Sweating cleans the pores
To keep safe the Health Department recommends that people:
• Slow down and reduce outdoor activities, especially during the hottest part of the day, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• Dress for summer. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothes.
• Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic, caffeine-free fluids.
Check with your doctor if you are on diuretic medications or have a
problem with fluid retention.
• Spend more time in air-conditioned places. In order for air
conditioners and central air units to be effective, it’s best to have
them serviced annually.
• Never leave a child, disabled adult, elderly person or a pet in a
car for even a few minutes. Temperatures can rise to life-threatening
levels within minutes.
Stay cool
• Avoid using your stove or oven.
• Use your dishwasher and dryer at night.
• Keep window shades or drapes closed.
• Set ceiling fans in a counterclockwise position to pull cool air up.
More tips
• Spend some time in an air conditioned facility during the worst of
the heat. This can be a public building such as a library, senior
center, shopping mall or grocery store.
• Sit in a bathtub containing cool water.
• Don’t get too much sun. Use at least a SPF 30 sunscreen. Note that sunburn makes it more difficult to cool off.
• Bringing air in from the outside with fans is not effective when
the heat index is above 90; use them to blow hot air outside instead.
• Keep in mind that infants, the elderly, people with heart or lung
problems, overweight people and those who work outside are at a higher
risk for heat-related illnesses.
• Certain medications disrupt a body’s thermostat and make it more
difficult to cool down, especially those taken for mental or movement
disorders, allergies, depression and heart or circulatory problems.
• Frequently contact neighbors and others you know who are at a
greater risk and help them obtain relief from the heat and humidity.